Jul 09,2023 by WE DO TCM
TCM Theory and Therapy for Health Preservation
Human has five "Zang" viscera and six "Fu" organs, plus the pericardium, a total of twelve Function System( Meridian) : namely the gallbladder, liver, lung, large intestine meridian, stomach, spleen, heart, small intestine, bladder, kidney, pericardium, and triple burner.
Each organ has positive energy, on the contrary, in a bad state, each organ will also produce a negative emotion. It’s okay for these negative emotions to visit once in a while, but if they come frequently, they will cause damage to the corresponding organs and cause related diseases.
Each organ has a meridian, too much negative emotion will block the meridian of this organ. By dredging these blocked meridians, the garbage produced by bad emotions on the human body can be eliminated, thereby improving or eliminating bad emotions.
经络 |
正向能量 |
负面能量 |
淤堵时的情绪 |
胆经 |
中正、决断。胆的功能强健,决断力强,中正无私 |
焦虑 |
焦虑不安,优柔寡断,左右摇摆 |
肝经 |
计谋、谋虑 |
愤怒、指责 |
容易愤怒,好攻击指责 |
肺经 |
主一身之气 |
悲伤 |
容易悲伤 |
大肠经 |
传导、排毒、存污 |
懊悔、烦恼 |
容易烦恼、无名火 |
胃经 |
接纳、豁达 |
急躁 |
做事容易着急,容易躁动,语言、行为均容易急躁。容易面部痤疮、粉刺、或身体容易出现痈脓 |
脾经 |
思考、思维。五行当中,脾主土,属于大地坤土之性,能承载一切的好与坏。若脾的功能正常,可以接纳一切寒热温良、酸苦甘辛 |
抱怨、委屈 |
会对它的无私接纳产生抱怨、委屈。 |
心经 |
欢喜、喜欢 |
怨恨、仇恨 |
怨恨比抱怨更强烈,有恨之入骨的势头,恨是由内心的最深处升起来的,生恨日久,耗伤心气、心血,导致心经淤堵。心脑血管问题及爆死,多来源于心经淤堵。 |
小肠经 |
悲悯、怜悯 |
哀愍。怜悯之心人皆该有,怜悯过度及成哀愍,哀愍过度及成哀伤 |
容易出现消化道溃疡的人多数怜悯心过重。哀愍过度及容易产生溃疡,容易堵塞小肠经,疏通小肠经,纠正偏颇,可以平和的对待一切哀伤之事。 |
膀胱经 |
积极、向上、阳光,微笑。膀胱经为一身阳气之所,为阳中之阳。 |
消沉 |
人体阳气就无法升腾、部散;心情就容易郁闷、消极 |
肾经 |
智慧,肾精充沛,智慧、勇敢 |
恐惧 |
若肾精亏损、肾经淤堵,就容易生不出智慧,遇事恐惧、恐慌、害怕、惊恐。孩子经常看恐怖电影,玩一些血腥的电子游戏,均容易损耗肾精,影响智慧。 |
心包经 |
欢乐,愉快,心包经为臣使之官,喜乐出焉,是帮助君主(心)传达快乐心情的 |
压抑 |
心的快乐的信号就无法传达出来 |
三焦经 |
轻松、心乐 |
紧张 |
三焦功能不够协调就会生出紧张的情绪 |
Negative emotions are hateful elements that affect the health of the human body. Eighty percent of the problems in the human body come from bad emotions. It can become a tangible thing in the form of negative energy and block our meridians.
From this point of view, emotions are the cause, and blockage of the meridians is the effect. However, after the meridian is blocked, more negative energy will be generated, which will stimulate more powerful negative emotions. In this way, the blockage of the meridian is the cause, and the negative emotion becomes the effect. (This is called circulation, so the body can also be used to regulate emotions)
At present, the most popular term is "health preservation". So what can be considered the most correct regimen? The highest state of health preservation is to have a healthy, happy and wise life. Therefore, if you want to achieve the highest level of health preservation, eliminate negative emotions and dredge the twelve meridians.